2. Create the new organization by clicking New Organization
3. Fill in the details of the customer
4. Click More and make sure to fill in address and contact info as this information will be
used when adding O365 to the organization:
[First setup only] Add the service to your E-store
1. Add the service to your new organization from the Marketplace on the left side menu
2. Select your contact person and fill in your MPN ID (Microsoft Partner ID)
Note: When you have added the service you can view the price list under Billing
Add the service to a customer
1. Add the service to your customer (or your own organization) from the E-store
2. Make sure all the contact information is correct. The contact email will be the address set as alternative email address for the first administrator created in the customers Microsoft tenant.
3. Do not click Migrate unless the customer already has O365 and you want to move their subscriptions to your Gridheart account.
4. Enter a domain name eg. customer.onmicrosoft.com
5. Click: I confirm…
Order Subscription
1. To order a subscription Select “My services” – “Microsoft O365” – “Orders”, all in the left side menu.
2. Click New
3. Select the category e.g. Corporate
4. Select the Product group e.g. Office 365
5. Select the product you want to purchase and the quantity
6. The order will be marked with Status: in progress
7. After a little while it will change status to Fulfilled:
Request customer admin credentials
1. From the Overview vtab Click Admin Credentials
2. Enter the e-mail adress to who the password shall be sent to
Note: One time only operation. Once set, the credentials are the property of the customer or the one administering the account. If already executed, you will receive the admin user name only.
Assign Licenses to users
You are now ready to login and setup your customer in the Office 365 portal.
1. To assign the license and create the users click “Office 365 portal”
2. Login with the credentials that was sent to you.
For more info on how to setup Office 365 please take look at setup guide from Microsoft available here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/admin/setup/plan-your-setup?view=o365-worldwide
We will update the quantity on each subscription on the 25:th to make sure you get the correct billing material
The partner placing an O365 order via Gridheart, must already be enrolled in or is in the process of enrolling in the Microsoft CSP Program. Sign up here: https://partner.microsoft.com/en-US/membership/cloud-solution-provider
[First setup only] Add a new customer to Gridheart
1. Login to https://marketplace.gridheart.com
2. Create the new organization by clicking New Organization
3. Fill in the details of the customer
4. Click More and make sure to fill in address and contact info as this information will be
used when adding O365 to the organization:
[First setup only] Add the service to your E-store
1. Add the service to your new organization from the Marketplace on the left side menu
2. Select your contact person and fill in your MPN ID (Microsoft Partner ID)
Note: When you have added the service you can view the price list under Billing
Add the service to a customer
1. Add the service to your customer (or your own organization) from the E-store
2. Make sure all the contact information is correct. The contact email will be the address set as alternative email address for the first administrator created in the customers Microsoft tenant.
3. Do not click Migrate unless the customer already has O365 and you want to move their subscriptions to your Gridheart account.
4. Enter a domain name eg. customer.onmicrosoft.com
5. Click: I confirm…
Order Subscription
1. To order a subscription Select “My services” – “Microsoft O365” – “Orders”, all in the left side menu.
2. Click New
3. Select the category e.g. Corporate
4. Select the Product group e.g. Office 365
5. Select the product you want to purchase and the quantity
6. The order will be marked with Status: in progress
7. After a little while it will change status to Fulfilled:
Request customer admin credentials
1. From the Overview vtab Click Admin Credentials
2. Enter the e-mail adress to who the password shall be sent to
Note: One time only operation. Once set, the credentials are the property of the customer or the one administering the account. If already executed, you will receive the admin user name only.
Assign Licenses to users
You are now ready to login and setup your customer in the Office 365 portal.
1. To assign the license and create the users click “Office 365 portal”
2. Login with the credentials that was sent to you.
For more info on how to setup Office 365 please take look at setup guide from Microsoft available here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/admin/setup/plan-your-setup?view=o365-worldwide
We will update the quantity on each subscription on the 25:th to make sure you get the correct billing material